Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ask away -- but be wary of TMI

"We need books on Death Row"

That is the question that started out my day at the reference desk.

"Don't judge us" the other patron pleaded as I looked up the material for them.

I always get suprised when people whisper or are ashamed to ask us a question. They think that somehow we are going to think it that they are the ones with an STD/Bipolar Disorder etc. Amazingly though, we do not. Librarians are taught to be objective when doling out information. That means that if you come in looking for books on assisted suicide we are not going to look down our noses and think you are dr. kevorkian (sp?). So ask away without fear!

On the other end of the spectrum there are the patrons who feel that the entire library including the staff want to hear all about their pussy rear or their hives problems. These patrons do get looked down upon (after we help them with as straight a face as possible) for the simple fact of TMI. I mean, would you tell a complete stranger on the street about your medical issues? So why would you tell a librarian? From what I can figure it has to do with librarians being seen (sometimes justly) as experts.

So if you come to the reference desk please realize that while librarians are super smart at finding information they are not all knowing doctors/therapists/lawyers/accountants. Please don't tell us about your hives on your ______. We want to eat later. And Sleep too.


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