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Today was a particularly busy day at the library. I have just returned from FIL in Guadalajara Mexico where I purchased scads of Spanish materials and picked up one nasty lingering stomach bug. I spent the first hour opening the library, catching up on e-mail and the library fyi. Then at about 12:30, while waiting for my hubby to bring me a burger, the other librarian arrived ashen at my desk and announced “I have to go home. I am sick”.I wolfed down my burger and went out on desk. I felt sorry for the guy, but that kinda changed when I found out he had thrown up three to four times while on duty. I mean, he should have gone home at time number one. After copious amounts of Lysol I settled in at the reference desk to face the onslaught of questions. And what an onslaught. I can’t remember the last time I had so many random questions in one day. Here are some of the questions I answered today:
- “I need Hugh Grant’s address. I think it is in Britian”. Thankfully I actually knew where on earth to get his contact information. The Celebrity Black Book. We have a patron who uses it all the time so I knew just where to look. Actually the address was in New York with his agent.
"What was yesterday's temperature?"
"I think the artist's name is _________ -- she is from Canada. Can you tell me what gallery represents her?" -- She actually wanted the gallery that represented her last December.
Art gallery in New York
"I may be causing alot of trouble here but this series is labeled science fiction with this sticker on two books and fantasy on one book with this other sticker. Can ya'll change that?"This actually does perturb the Sci-fi/Fantasy crowd if it is mislabeled.
"What is the McNae in San Antonio? Is it an art museum or an art gallery? What is their phone number?" Actually it is called theMcNay Art Museum (and yes there is no typo there).
Proctor a test – school sent the wrong code so student went away freaking out.
"We want a computer." Kids wanting to be logged on to the adult computers without their parents or a valid account.
"Do you have the Directory of Medical Specialists?" Apparently a condensed version is available online but the patron was denied access due to an account problem “I feel rejected” the patron joked.
Transit and Commerce federal code. A lawyer actually thought a public library would have legal treatises readily available on the shelf. Yeah . . . we are not a law library. Sorry about that.
"I can't get out of this program. Can you help me?" For some unknown reason the IS department decided we needed Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor to automatically load on two terminals at the library. Joy of joys! This means at least twice a day I have to walk over there to press the magical combination to minimize the program.
"Why do my color documents look funny?" The color printers in the entire building are out of yellow toner and there is no money to get them until next month. Yippee.
"The computer won't take my money. Why?" Did I mention the coin receptor for the printers is full so I have to override every one so that the patrons can print downstairs?
"I am a library student and I need to ask a library professional a question. Can I ask you?" The question was on technology and its role in changing library organizational structure and manigerial behavior. Very academic speak. And in no way in touch with reality. Gotta love library school.
" I need the name of any art gallery in Austin Texas." I give her one and she promptly says that won't work. Sigh. I give her another that sounds more hoity toity and she is satisfied.
- A Spanish speaking patron has her son translate her printing questions to me. I do my best to listen to the son and look at the mother since that is what we are supposed to do.
- "I want to practice typing. Can you help me?" Actually, the patron had logged his son in on his card number -- technically a no no -- and wanted a guest pass. I let him on once and told him to get a card for his son.
- "Is this a reference book?" No. The current year is in reference.
- "I am looking for these books and they are not on the shelf." That is because they are checked out and the others are missing. Standing there and looking shocked is not going to change that. Sorry nothing I can do. Still nothing. I am going to go back to my desk while you let that sink in, ok?
In a quest to determine how many of our computer users are actually abusers I am listing a few:
- Creepy Elvis. 1X
- Habitual computer time abuser. 2X in the afternoon.
- Bored teen. 3X
- Loud computer user . 3X
- Another loud computer user. 1X
- Polite Mother and children. 1X
- Annoying man. 1X
- Polite patron. 1X
In between this I took six calls about materials that might be in our system. I placed one hold which the person wanted to cancel. I got one call about extending materials.
All in all a roaring welcome home.
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